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Zbigniew Andrzej Nowacki

September 2024

Badge on my jacket lapel 


SMS: (+48) 882 188 608

I am a PhD in mathematics with specialization in computer science. I graduated from University of Warsaw, and later for many years I worked in industry. My scientific activity started relatively late, it was only in 1997. I am employed as a lecturer (currently retired) in Institute of Applied Computer Science at Lodz University of Technology.

Amazing coincidence

One day I listened to the radio. They reported the names of the famous people who had been born on that day. At one point the name of Max Planck was mentioned. 'Oh, my gosh,' I thought. 'After all, I too was born today!' 

This was surprising for me because I had already written several works of quantum physics. I reached for an encyclopedia, and checked the details. They were as follows: Planck celebrated his last birthday on April 23, 1947. A year later he was already dead, but exactly on this day I was born. Thus for over 150 years Planck and I have been incessantly celebrating our birthday on the same day, although we never lived simultaneously. In this way continuity has been maintained. And I hope that Planck will be (is?) pleased with my articles (available on this website).

April 2024