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Simulation of Gravity Waves 

Lodz, Poland, September 2017

Simulated results can be recognized by the fact, inter alia, that they are perfectly consistent with Einstein's theory (despite so many years of fruitless searches and so many problems with, e.g., black holes). More importantly, the enormous energies allegedly associated with them are not recorded by independent centers at the same time. In other words, one group receive (even on several detectors, practically on request) extremely accurate data reflecting unprecedented phenomena and energies, while others do not even get a poor track record simultaneously.

Because the simulation of gravity waves is so easy to perform, we will be able to talk about their real discovery only when the simulation is excluded. Therefore, an emission of the waves should be simultaneously (with minor differences arising from the velocity of propagation) recorded by most terrestrial detectors. With the current state of technology development, this should not be difficult, since, e.g., thirty years ago, neutrinos created during the explosion of the 1987A supernova were detected by several independent centers at the same time.

In addition, observations should be closely correlated with the detections of various kinds of electromagnetic waves. For since gravitational waves reach Earth, they get out of the event horizon sphere of colliding black holes (which creates a logical contradiction in Einstein's theory, and implies that the concept of event horizon makes no sense). Their enormous energy must cause great devastation in the immediate vicinity, and this in turn should manifest itself in the emission of large quantities of photons. And if the gravity waves arise outside the event horizon (then there is no contradiction), the more we should register accompanying electromagnetic waves. The absence of any effects of this type causes that the discovery of gravitational waves becomes incredible.

In other words, both gravitational and electromagnetic waves carry energy and move at the same speed (according to Einstein's theory). Hence with respect to a black hole they are in exactly the same situation: the visibility of one phenomenon implies the visibility of the other. And therefore, if a physicist says that colliding black holes (taken from a bad science-fiction novel) send gravity waves, but they do not emit light, he or she does not know general relativity. 

The last fact happens frequently and should not be strange because, e.g., until recently most physicists thought that Einstein's theory allowed for the possibility of gravitational repulsion. Two excellent specialists even wrote about it in an article published in "Nature" of April 2009, which means that expert reviewers of this respectable journal agreed with this. Those speculations ended only when I proved on this website that repulsive gravity would be at odds with Einstein's principle of equivalence.

Lodz, Poland, October 10, 2017

A few days ago it was announced that the Nobel Committee awarded the prize in physics for 2017 to discoverers of gravitational waves. Well, even very wise people (whose decisions are treated by some almost as divine judgments) make mistakes. It should also take this opportunity to mention a man named Weber, who recorded those waves already in the sixties of the last century. His results were also perfectly consistent with Einstein's theory, but they had one flaw: they had not been confirmed by competing centers. However, this applies to the present case as well.

Lodz, Poland, October 20, 2017

 A few days ago it was announced (with a meaningful delay) that the same group of astrophysicists (using LIGO and VIRGO detectors) had already discovered gravity waves with accompanying light of neutron stars. I regret, but this does not change anything. For two years we have been told that although black holes do not emit electromagnetic waves, they send gravitational waves. Above I have showed that this is impossible. Therefore, the question arises: What actually do the detectors of this group record?

It may be useful to repeat my analysis once more. In general relativity every form of energy is subject to gravity. According to Einstein's equivalence principle, this action has to be attractive. Gravity waves carry energy, and it is even huge. Hence they cannot leave a black hole. Therefore, it is necessary to explain what the astrophysicists have been so frequently registering so far. This information will be crucial.